The FUN MTV Movie Awards 2012
We Are Young- FUN!
Love Emma Watson here!
"Leighton, i didn't realize you are a whore?!" - Adam Sandler
"Dammit!"- Leighton Meester
HAHA! Leighton is such a sweetheart. Love her!
Kristen Stewart's ad lib is a lil funny here but Chris Hemsworth's laugh sounds better in my ears! LOL!
"I can't eat this!" - Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence, I love You!!
I MISS HP!! I mean, who doesn't??
Best Cast? This award is just well-deserved!
Emma Watson is just beautiful and lady like. Ahhhh!
The way she walked, talked and everything else!! Envy Me!!
"Dan and Rupert, wherever you are, I hope you're watching.. And I,I miss you guys dearly."
Aww. So sweet!
Team Harry Potter FOREVER! LOL!
Team Harry Potter FOREVER! LOL!
I miss seeing Channing Tatum dance!! OMG!!
Elizabeth Banks is just Hilarious!!
and Channing Tatum.. uhmm.. I miss seeing you dance!! REALLY! LOL!
Okay, now.. This is the clip that made me laugh real hard!!
"Sharon Stone is one of the greatest actresses alive today."-Anna Fari
"I cant believe she's still doing it at 47..She's 23? Oh My God, she looks Awful!"- Anna Faris
Freaking Video Clip!!
My fave parts of Emma's Speech.
"So, I looked up the actual definition of trailblazer, and it means someone who blazes a trail to be followed by others."
"Those people are my creative trailblazers, but I'm not following any of their paths, and what's incredible about them is they help make me want to be more myself because they're all originals,"
"But that you'll continue to harness your own originality and what makes you unique 'cause I know that when you're a teenager — sometimes when you're an adult — what sets you apart can sometimes feel like a burden and it's not. And a lot of the time, it's what makes you great"
The 1st TRAILBLAZER Awardee!! you deserve it!
I love You! Toinks! LOL!
P.S. Andrew Garfeld looked so proud of her.
She's blessed! =)
And of course, Congratulations to all the Winners of MTV Movie Awards 2012...
or should I say, The Hunger Games and Twilight? LOL!
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